If you work in an office (or remember what it was like when you did),…
The end of the year is when most people give. So like most non-profits, you…
3 Things You Need to Do in the New Year Congratulations, you made it through…
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3 Ways to Add Impact When Thanking Donors
by Steve ThomasWhen a donor gives to support your cause, you provide a receipt and a thank…
Here are 2 things to consider before you ever communicate with a donor. First, what…
Fundraising is not about sounding smart, looking good or appearing professional. Deep breath everyone. Ready…
Successful Fundraisers Focus on This!
by Steve ThomasI wrote this note to myself in the early days of 2017: “Focus on behavior,…
My friend Roy Williams of Wizard of Ads fame talks a lot about how stupid…
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Specifics Improved Fundraising ROI 36%
by Steve ThomasIn my book, Donoricity, I talk about one of the easiest strategies for connecting with…
Let’s talk cover songs, the embarrassing 70’s band Abba and new working relationships. First cover…