For successful fundraising, you must do more than focus on your donor. A well-designed Messaging…
The term “table stakes” is slowly creeping its way into my head. Maybe it’s part…
During WWII, the US government believed it needed to shape the public’s thoughts and opinions.…
Successful Fundraisers Focus on This!
by Steve ThomasI wrote this note to myself in the early days of 2017: “Focus on behavior,…
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Specifics Improved Fundraising ROI 36%
by Steve ThomasIn my book, Donoricity, I talk about one of the easiest strategies for connecting with…
You and I love choices. We want choice. As consumers we want to choose what…
One of my guilty pleasures is reading and watching science fiction. I’ve loved tales of…
Too many nonprofits end up asking themselves that. For sure that’s a tough question. It’s…
Great fundraising is about more than asking for money. Here are 3 ideas that will…
One of the Oneicity team’s young guns sent me this nonprofit version of The Distracted…