“The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” You probably know this phrase…
Have you heard the saying, “One cannot not communicate” before? It’s from Paul Watzlawick, a…
Something we say often is, “It’s all about relationships.” It’s part of Oneicity’s ethos, built…
OK, we’re a few weeks into this COVID-19 “thing.” We have to keep thinking about…
Let me cut to the chase here. You have to continue to communicate with your…
Fundraising is not about sounding smart, looking good or appearing professional. Deep breath everyone. Ready…
“Your guys really have their stuff together.” That was the opening line from my buddy…
So, I look up and it’s been over a month since my last blog post.…
“Donor-focused messaging” and “donor-focused culture” are a couple of descriptions that we use to describe…
As we were landing in Austin on Tuesday, I took my phone off of airplane…