Like thousands of other kids, my kids love Encanto. When it first came out, they watched it over and over and over again. For a while, the only thing that could be played in our car was the soundtrack.
I soon learned the lyrics to the songs without even realizing it—even the really fast parts. And it seemed like every time we watched the movie or listened to the soundtrack, I picked up on something else I hadn’t noticed before.
Repetition allowed the messages and lyrics to sink into my head without me knowing it was happening. The more I listened and watched, the more I understood. The more I recognized the nuance and magic in the storytelling.
It’s the same reason that repetition is good for your nonprofit organization.
Your donors have a million other things going on in their lives. When they see an email or letter in the mail from you, they will probably only skim it and then move on with their days. Fundraisers don’t like to talk about that fact, but it’s true.
But it’s also true that the more they see your message, the more it will sink in.
So, keep telling your donors about your programs- don’t reduce the number of times you send them mail. Keep telling them what their donations make possible. Keep showing them the need their support helps.
And talk about Bruno.