Do you have a “word of the year”?
Instead of resolutions, many people choose a word to be a focus in the new year. It’s something that Hoots and Thomas have done for many years. Others on our team do something similar as well. This year, we thought we’d choose a word for Oneicity.
So…what’s the word for 2024?
Because we believe in you.
We believe in you, our clients, and the good work that you’re doing.
Oneicity is blessed to work with a variety of nonprofits around the country, and no two organizations are the same. But there’s one thing you all have in common: each of you is dedicated to helping people. You’re working tirelessly day in and day out to make a difference and help those who need it. It’s rewarding work, but very difficult. You face challenges every day that others can’t imagine.
We believe in you, our team members.
Our team is a small, but mighty group of phenomenal people. Each of you bring strategy, expertise, and heart to the team. You’re not coworkers or team members, you’re “framily”. Fundraising is hard work, but we believe that you’re more than capable of doing great things. And there’s no one we’d rather work with.
We believe in you, whoever “you” are.
Maybe you’re a fundraiser. You might be on a team at a nonprofit that’s unrelated to fundraising. You could even be a barista who somehow stumbled across this blog. Regardless, we believe that you’re capable of doing big things in this world. You should spend less time hearing the loud voice say that you’re not enough, and more time listening to the quiet voice saying “I can do this.”
Each year brings challenges. Some are expected, others are surprises. Some are even…unprecedented (too soon?).
It can be easy to feel discouraged and feel the crushing weight of an entire year to get through instead of seeing the potential of the year out in front of you.
But we believe that you- and we- can face those challenges and get through them.
We pray that 2024 will be a blessing for you.
Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash