We’re always on the lookout for great fundraising appeals, it’s our passion and our business. So we were surprised when we received this great email appeal. Here it is exactly as we received it:
Hi – this is Justin. My mom and I are walking in our first marathon! We are very excited. It’s just about 2 miles so it’s a good start for us. We are excited to make a difference and help homeless people. I have my link below if you are interested in making a donation of any amount. It’s tax deductible whatever that means.
Thank you. Wish us luck. Dad will be driving incase mom can’t make it. I know we will do it.
Justin and Topper
Full disclosure here: Justin is our 13-year-old nephew and Everett Gospel Mission (EGM) is our client. But we were hardly involved. Justin found out about the “Walk For Hope Here” event from a Facebook posting. From that, he decided that it was something his whole family was going to do (he’s a bit of a force in a great way). Topper is Justin’s service dog and a huge part of his life.
Justin’s email had us smiling for so many reasons: our family making a difference, helping a wonderful organization in a great cause, and he wrote a terrific appeal!
So, as we do when we run across interesting people doing interesting things, we asked him for an interview.
Oneicity: Why did you decide to go on this walk?
Justin: Well I did it because I wanted to help people who are homeless and to have time with my mom. We will strengthen our muscles and bones, which helps us while we help others.
Oneicity: What would you like to learn about people who are homeless?
Justin: What problems do they have. How much food do they need. How starved are they. Do they know Jesus like I know Jesus? Do they have a Bible?
Oneicity: What would you say to grownups to encourage them to participate?
Justin: Come on folks. Just try. If you try to help others you will do a good thing. It’s not about yourself it’s about helping others. If everyone would just try, what a wonderful world we will become.
Oneicity: What advice can you share for other kids who want to raise money for causes like this?
Justin: Stop playing video games. Well, once in a while you can play, but think about using your computer for some specific reasons like helping the homeless. It’s a great cause to help one another and you will feel great doing it. If I’m doing it, you can do it
Oneicity: Do you have plans to do more activities like this?
Justin: I do have a plan to help feed the homeless in Bremerton, WA on the 27th [of February]. We will continue to do this the 4th Sunday of each month. I want to do more marathons with my mom this year as we hear about them. I also want to share at the hospital about what a service dog does and what Topper means to me.
We love Justin’s passion and honesty. And we knew the Oneicity tribe would want to hear about what Justin’s up to. If you’d like to encourage a young man who’s out to change the world, drop him a comment here. And of course, feel free to respond to Justin’s appeal and give a donation to help this selfless teen who has a huge heart for a great cause. He’s walking this Saturday, February 26 in Everett. And if you’re in the area, you can walk for the cause this weekend, too.
UPDATE 2/23/11: Mayor Ray Stephenson declared Saturday, February 26, 2011 Everett Gospel Mission Walk for Hope Day.