Katya over at Network for Good was inspired by the same video we were — you may have seen it — the one where Microsoft shows how consumers are evolving and advertisers are not necessarily keeping up? If you haven’t it’s worth a watch. You can see it here. (By the way, if you haven’t checked out Katya’s blog, it’s got some terrific fundraising and marketing advice. Definitely worth a regular read!)
Network for Good then took this concept and did something brilliant — they put a donor into the consumer role and a fundraiser into the advertiser role and they produced this video.
We have several points to ponder here:
1. When you watch this video, do you see yourself in the role of fundraiser? Have you ever sat in the donor chair? Is your ministry adapting to the changing expectations of the ever-discerning donors? How is this video different from the Microsoft video?
2. What would be different if this video were donor vs. ministry? What’s different in the realm of fundraising for Christian ministries that is not present in this video?
3. When we first saw the Microsoft video, we said that we “ought to do something like that for our niche.” Did we? No. Got swept away into the busyness of work and life and missed out on the great idea…that someone else grabbed and ran with. Does this ever happen to you? Do you fail to capitalize on a great idea because you’re “too busy”?
Lots to ponder. Would love to hear your thoughts.
Kris Hoots
Partner, Oneicity