Something we say often is, “It’s all about relationships.” It’s part of Oneicity’s ethos, built into our DNA. It was something that Steve and Kris wanted to make sure was part of the foundation of the company.
But why is it all about relationships?
Well, first because fundraising is relational, not transactional. Nonprofits should have a relationship with their donors. Without a relationship, a nonprofit is like that one family member who’s always asking for money for some new business idea, so you give them a little money so they stop bugging you. Those donors aren’t going to stick around. They’re going to find an organization they like better.
But with a relationship, your nonprofit is a friend. Donors will stick around when times are tough. They’ll support you and feel that your organization’s mission is their mission.
But relationships just aren’t about fundraising.
At Oneicity, we want to be partners, not vendors. Our clients aren’t just project names and budgets and dollar amounts. We get to know our clients and learn about the people there. We want to hear what your kids are asking for their birthdays and we want to celebrate your spouse’s promotion. We often say no one’s officially a client until we’ve shared a meal or coffee with them.
Because let’s be real: fundraising is hard work. It’s a tough business. If we’re going to be in the trenches with you, we want to know you. Work is already hard enough. Why not like who you’re working with?
So, yes. It really is all about relationships.